We have several volunteer opportunities available in the lab for all student levels and varying time commitments. Contact melh32@pdx.edu for more information.
Qualitative data analysis
Time commitment: High
Several deep-dive case studies are needed to identify social networks of decision-makers on key water issues, water perceptions over time, enablers and barriers to water justice in Oregon. Case studies include: timber-to-cannabis transition zones, groundwater well users, high desert irrigators, zones with specific water quality concerns (cyanobacteria, naturally-occurring arsenic, nitrates, wildfire contamination, emerging pollutants), and zones with specific water quantity concerns (e.g., flooding, drought, changes in snowpack, etc.). May use NVIVO, Atlas.ti, Dedoose, or other qualitative research software. Can be done remotely.
Spatial data analysis:
Time commitment: High
Hot spot analysis is needed to locate counties where water security issues (safety, affordability, reliability, availability) co-occur with communities of color, low-income communities, and Indigenous communities. Must be enrolled in a GIS course. Can be done remotely.
Data collection
Time commitment: Low
Assistance is needed for quality control of water-related newspapers and to prepare articles for machine-ready analytics. Make your own hours, can be completed from home.
Community engagement support
Time commitment: Low-Medium
Assistance is needed to produce community reports (e.g., social media, newsletters, etc.) for a wide variety of audiences. Skills needed: Word, Powerpoint, Adobe, fluency in multiple languages, experience working with communities of color, Indigenous communities, low-income communities, people with disabilities. Can be done remotely.
