TIDES (Trust in Institutions During Emergency Situations) GRA job description
The TIDES Group is seeking a candidate who is passionate about change impacts and adaptation, and co-producing actionable science. Additionally, we are seeking candidates with experience engaging frontline communities in environmental, economic, climate, or other decision-making processes. Bilingual applicants (English + one other language) are strongly encouraged to apply.
The GRA will work closely with the PI and other members of the research team. They will have a unique opportunity to be involved in community-engaged research to understand how much trust coastal residents have in the federal, state, and local government agencies to provide sea-level rise and flooding protection. As institutions intensify efforts to support coastal adaptation strategies for areas affected by sea-level rise and chronic flooding, homeowners are brought into complex policy and zoning conversations. This project is to conduct game theory-based experiments and surveys to measure how much trust individuals have in institutions that are involved in coastal flooding mitigation projects due to sea-level rise. We will test if more trust leads to more acceptance of these projects to adapt to climate change and how these institutions can build more trust.
The position will involve supporting the survey and behavioral experiments before, during, and after data collection, including leading meeting note organization and follow-up. They will lead the logistics of a pick-up/drop-off survey. They will manage the survey implementation process by organizing volunteers, traveling to Tillamook and Coos Bay, be able to contribute to a survey design, and communicate with the PI and other members of the research team. The GRA will also lead the behavioral experiment logistics by working with the Advisory Board and community partners to schedule and recruit participants, reserving rooms, and assisting facilitation. After the data collection, the GRA will lead the data cleaning, entry, and coding procedures and transcribe audio recordings at the behavioral experiments. They will also conduct descriptive and frequency statistical analyses of the data and design factsheets aimed at professional and layperson audiences describing results from the surveys and incentivized experiments, and their implications for flood mitigation programs and policies. They will work with the community partners to design deliverables catered to their needs. Outstanding candidates will have presentation and co-authorship opportunities.
The ideal candidate:
Is an excellent writer with strong organization skills, and gets things done
Has experience working with organizations led by Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other people of color.
Able to travel to the coast during summer months, willing to work the occasional odd hour in response to residents’ needs, and attend meetings and conferences.
Has a BA or equivalent and applies to the Masters of Science program in the Environmental Science and Management department.
Has at least some fluency in Spanish.
The full-time position is expected to start in Winter 2022. The GRA covers two years of tuition (9 credit hours per term) plus a stipend.
We will begin reviewing applications for this position on September 26, 2021. To apply, please send a cover letter explaining how you qualify for the position and your CV to Dr. Melissa Haeffner at melh32@pdx.edu.